West Midlands Air Quality
Air pollution in the West Midlands affects some 2.8 million people, reducing average life expectancy by up to 6 months, and is responsible for direct and indirect economic costs of several hundred million pounds per year.
Air quality has therefore been identified as a first order priority by Birmingham & Solihull NHS Sustainability and Transportation partnership (STP).
The recent formation of the West Midland Combined Authority (WMCA), and election in 2017 of the regions first Mayor, has brought an integrated approach to policy development with a focus on growth, transport investment and the environment.
This creates a unique and timely opportunity for the University of Birmingham NERC air pollution science, through WM-Air, to support regional AQ policy, which aligns with the STP aims and addresses priorities in the Second Devolution Deal for the West Midlands and is essential to deliver the Clean Growth challenge from the UK Industrial Strategy.