The WM-Air team had the pleasure of presenting WM-Air case studies, tools and capabilities to 40+ people at Futurebuild 2024 at the ExCel London on 6th March 2024. Futurebuild is an annual conference and exhibition for the built environment, aiming to share innovative solutions, technologies, ideas and knowledge with industry experts in order to drive sustainable construction and help reach net zero goals.

The WM-Air session was Chaired by Emma Ferranti, with talks from Catherine Muller on the impactful WM-Air case studies across the West Midlands, Sarah Greenham on Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (CRVA) work and James Hall on the AQ-LAT tool. The audience was broadly non-academic, with a mix of industry professionals, suppliers and innovators across the built environment, yet there was lots of engagement and well-conceived questions during the panel session.