WM-Air 2022 Annual Meeting

The fourth WM-Air (‘Clean Air Science for the West Midlands’) annual meeting took place at The Exchange on 12th October 2022. Sixty-four delegates attended, including the WM-Air team, wider University of Birmingham colleagues, local authorities, external stakeholders, cross-sector partners and other interested parties. 

At the meeting, members of the WM-Air team and external partners provided a series of short updates on recent work, available capabilities and key case studies being undertaken with partners across the region. There was also a keynote presentation on ‘Urban and Transport Planning to Reduce Air Pollution and Promote Health’ by Prof Mark Nieuwenhuijsen from ISGLOBAL Barcelona, as well as opportunities for discussion and networking over lunch. In the afternoon, there was a workshop exploring a New Approach to Identifying the Economic Impacts of Air Pollution, run by John Bryson and Bowen Liu.

The presentations can be viewed here >>

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